Watch Movie Flukt Online Streaming
Watch Movie Flukt Streaming In HD with duration 76 Min and released on 2012-09-28 with MPAA rating is 2.
- Original Title : Flukt
- Movie title in your country : Escape
- Year of movie : 2012
- Genres of movie :
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2012-09-28
- Companies of movie : Fantefilm,
- Countries of movie : Norway,
- Language of movie : Norsk, Polski,
- Durationof movie : 76 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.8
- Youtube ID of movie : 4ozf407ofbY
- Translation of movie : EN,RU,FR,SV,PT,NL,HU,DE,CS,PL,DA,TR,
- Cast of movie :
- Isabel Christine Andreasen as Signe
- Ingrid Bols Berdal as Dagmar
- Kristian Espedal as Grim
- Hallvard Holmen as Harald
- Bjrn Moan as Loke
- Milla Olin as Frigg
- Iren Reppen as Synnve
- Eirik Holden Rotheim as Tormod
- Hans Jacob Sand as Trygve
- Tobias Santelmann as Arvid
- Richard Skog as Skjalg
- Martin Slaatto as Brynjar
- Clara Lien Sunde as Dagmar's Daughter
Flukt Synopsis:Online Streaming Flukt Ten years after the Black Death devastated the country, a poor family sets out on a journey to search for better living conditions. In a deserted mountain pass, they are attacked by a gang of ruthless killer thieves. The only one spared is 19 year old Signe. She is taken prisoner, and the gang brings her back to their camp. Here, she soon learns that they have a fate worse than death in store for her. Signe realizes that her only alternative is to run away. Full Movie Flukt Movie Streaming
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Director : Roar Uthaug, Screenplay : Thomas Moldestad, Director of Photography : John Christian Rosenlund, Original Music Composer : Magnus Beite, Editor : Christian Siebenherz, Casting : Ellen Michelsen, Production Design : Astrid Strm Astrup, Costume Design : Kjell Nordstrm,
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