Full Movie Battle of Britain Full Movie HD
Full Movie Battle of Britain HD with duration 151 Min and broadcast on 1969-09-15 with MPAA rating is 7.
- Original Title : Battle of Britain
- Movie title in your country : Battle of Britain
- Year of movie : 1969
- Genres of movie :
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1969-09-15
- Companies of movie : Spitfire Productions,
- Countries of movie : United Kingdom,
- Language of movie : Deutsch, English, Franais, Polski,
- Durationof movie : 151 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.5
- Youtube ID of movie : O71FJDkfngY
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,IT,FR,CS,PT,NL,TR,ES,HU,
- Cast of movie :
- Harry Andrews as Senior civil servant
- Michael Caine as Squadron Leader Canfield
- Trevor Howard as Air Vice Marshal Keith Park
- Curd Jrgens as Baron von Richter
- Ian McShane as Sgt. Pilot Andy
- Laurence Olivier as Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding
- Christopher Plummer as Squadron Leader Colin Harvey
- Kenneth More as Group Capt. Baker
- Nigel Patrick as Group Capt. Hope
- Michael Redgrave as Air Vice Marshal Evill
- Ralph Richardson as Sir David Kelly - British Minister to Switzerland
- Robert Shaw as Squadron Leader Skipper
- Patrick Wymark as Air Vice Marshal Trafford Leigh-Mallory
- Susannah York as Section Officer Maggie Harvey
- Michael Bates as Warrant Officer Warwick
- Robert Flemyng as Wing Cmdr. Willoughby
- Edward Fox as Pilot Officer Archie
- W.G. Foxley as Squadron Leader Evans
- Barry Foster as Sqd. Leader Edwards
- James Cosmo as Jamie
- Jack Gwillim as Senior Air Staff Officer
- Wilfried von Aacken as Gen. Osterkamp
- Karl-Otto Alberty as General Jeschonnek - Luftwaffe Chief of Staff
- Helmut Kircher as Boehm
- Paul Neuhaus as Maj. Fhn
- Dietrich Frauboes as Field Marshal Milch (Inspector General, Luftwaffe)
- Malte Petzel as Col. Beppo Schmidt (Luftwaffe Intelligence)
- Peter Hager as Field Marshal Albert Kesselring
- Hein Riess as Reichsmarschall Hermann Gring
- Rolf Stiefel as Adolf Hitler
- Manfred Reddemann as Maj. Falke
- Alexander Allerson as Maj. Brandt
- Alf Jungermann as Brandt's Navigator
Battle of Britain Synopsis:Watch Streaming Battle of Britain In 1940, the Royal Air Force fights a desperate battle against the might of the Luftwaffe for control of the skies over Britain, thus preventing the Nazi invasion of Britain. Full Movie Battle of Britain Full Movie HD
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Supervising Art Director : Maurice Carter, Art Direction : Bert Davey, Art Direction : William Hutchinson, Art Direction : Jack Maxsted, Art Direction : Gil Parrondo, Casting : Carl Fox-Duering, Costume Supervisor : John Wilson-Apperson, Makeup Artist : Eric Allwright, Makeup Artist : George Frost, Director : Guy Hamilton, Novel : Derek Dempster, Screenplay : Wilfred Greatorex, Screenplay : James Kennaway, Novel : Derek Wood, Producer : Benjamin Fisz, Producer : Harry Saltzman, Original Music Composer : Ron Goodwin, Director of Photography : Freddie Young, Editor : Bert Bates, Casting : Maude Spector,
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Title Post: [Blueray] Battle of Britain (1969) Full
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