Watch Movie Max Manus HD
Watch Movie Max Manus HD with duration 118 Min and released on 2008-12-18 with MPAA rating is 14.
- Original Title : Max Manus
- Movie title in your country : Max Manus: Man of War
- Year of movie : 2008
- Genres of movie :
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2008-12-18
- Companies of movie : Filmkameratene A/S, B & T Film, Miso Film, Roenbergfilm, Norsk Filminstitutt, Det Danske Filminstitut, Nordic Film och TV Fund,
- Countries of movie : Germany, Denmark, Norway,
- Language of movie : Bokml, English, Deutsch, Polski,
- Durationof movie : 118 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.9
- Youtube ID of movie : WbK4WTQFf9U
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,FI,TR,NL,PT,NB,RU,HU,ZH,FR,NO,CS,SV,PL,ES,
- Actors of movie :
- Aksel Hennie as Max Manus
- Agnes Kittelsen as Ida Nikoline 'Tikken' Lindebrkke
- Nicolai Cleve Broch as Gregers Gram
- Knut Joner as Gunnar Snsteby
- Christian Rubeck as Kolbein Lauring
- Viktoria Winge as Solveig Johnsrud
- Kyrre Haugen Sydness as Jens Christian Hauge
- Eirik Evjen as Sigurd Jacobsen
- Jakob Oftebro as Lars Emil Erichsen
- Pl Sverre Valheim Hagen as Roy Nilsen
- Julia Bache-Wiig as Sykesster Liv
- Mats Elden as Edvard Tallaksen
- Ken Duken as Siegfried Fehmer
- Petter Nss as Martin Linge
- Stig Henrik Hoff as Politikapt Eilertsen
Max Manus Synopsis:Full Streaming Max Manus Max Manus is a Norwegian 2008 biographic war film based on the real events of the life of resistance fighter Max Manus (191496), after his contribution in the Winter War against the Soviet Union. The story follows Manus played by Aksel Hennie through the outbreak of World War II in Norway until peacetime in 1945. Full Movie Max Manus HD
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Max Manus full and free online movie. This is truly spectacular and could one of those rare amazing. The quality was great all around. Management, images and visual effects were all very innovative and brilliant. The pleasure of the script, often humorous and has a lot of heart for all his characters are all very well developed.
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Costume Design : Manon Rasmussen, Casting : Andrea Eckerbom, Director : Joachim Rnning, Director : Espen Sandberg, Producer : Jonas Allen, Production Supervisor : Petter J. Borgli, Producer : Peter Bose, Producer : Peter Bose, Producer : John M. Jacobsen, Line Producer : Jan Eirik Langoen, Cinematography : Geir Hartly Andreassen, Casting : Jannecke Bervel, Casting : Suse Marquardt, Production Design : Karl Jlusson, Makeup Artist : Ana Oria, Production Manager : Trond Mjs, Production Manager : Pam Roberts, Music : Jan Eirik Langoen, Writer : Thomas Nordseth-Tiller,
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Title Post: [Blueray] Max Manus (2008) Full HD
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