Watch Movie La Guerre du feu Online Streaming
Full Movie La Guerre du feu Streaming In HD with duration 100 Min and released on 1981-12-15 with MPAA rating is 6.
- Original Title : La Guerre du feu
- Movie title in your country : Quest for Fire
- Year of movie : 1981
- Genres of movie :
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1981-12-15
- Companies of movie : Belstar Productions, Stphan Films,
- Countries of movie : Canada, France, United States of America,
- Language of movie :
- Durationof movie : 100 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.5
- Youtube ID of movie : 2pcGGKtPpSE
- Translation of movie : DE,DE,EN,IT,FR,ES,HU,CS,RU,ZH,EL,PT,
- Actors of movie :
- Everett McGill as Naoh
- Ron Perlman as Amoukar
- Nicholas Kadi as Gaw
- Rae Dawn Chong as Ika
- Gary Schwartz as Rouka - tribu Ulam
- Naseer El-Kadi as Nam - tribu Ulam
- Franck-Olivier Bonnet as Aghoo - tribu Ulam
- Jean-Michel Kindt as Lakar - tribu Ulam
- Kurt Schiegl as Faum - tribu Ulam
- Brian Gillin as Modoc - tribu Ulam
- Terry Fitt as Hourk - tribu Ulam
- Bibi Caspari as Gammla - tribu Ulam
- Peter Elliott as Mikr - tribu Ulam
- Michelle Leduc as Matr - tribu Ulam
- Robert Lavoie as Tsor - tribu Ulam
- Matt Birman as Morah - tribu Ulam
- Christian Benard as Umbre - tribu Ulam
- Tarlok Sing Seva as Tavawa - tribu Ivaka
- Lolamal Kapisisi as La faiseur de feu - tribu Ivaka
La Guerre du feu Synopsis:Online Streaming La Guerre du feu A colossal adventure odyssey that turns back the hands of time to the very beginning of man's existence. 80,000 years ago, when man roamed the earth, he was exposed to the many harsh elements of nature. Against the perilous atmosphere of rugged terrain, rival tribes and savage beasts, Quest for Fire examines a peaceful tribe's search for that all important element fire, and the knowledge to create it. Focusing on human dream as well as realistic insights into pre-historic man, the constant struggle for survival is vividly recreated in this sensational production. Download La Guerre du feu Full Movie
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Title Post: [Blueray] La Guerre du feu (1981) Movie Streaming
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