Download Alexander Online Streaming
Watch Movie Alexander HD with duration 175 Min and released on 2004-11-24 and MPAA rating is 95.
- Original Title : Alexander
- Movie title in your country : Alexander
- Year of movie : 2004
- Genres of movie :
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2004-11-24
- Companies of movie : Warner Bros., Intermedia Films, Pacifica Film, Egmond Film & Television, IMF Internationale Medien und Film GmbH & Co. 3. Produktions KG, Path Renn Productions,
- Countries of movie : Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 175 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.9
- Youtube ID of movie : eTDYKkUZJ6o
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,FR,RU,IT,HU,FI,ES,TR,PT,SK,NL,PL,SV,HE,ZH,CS,DA,EL,
- Actors of movie :
- Colin Farrell as Alexander
- Angelina Jolie as Olympias
- Val Kilmer as Philip
- Jared Leto as Hephaistion
- Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Cassander
- Anthony Hopkins as Old Ptolemy
- Jessie Kamm as Child Alexander
- Fiona O'Shaughnessy as Nurse
- Connor Paolo as Young Alexander
- Patrick Carroll as Young Hephaistion
- Peter Williamson as Young Nearchus
- Christopher Plummer as Aristotle
- John Kavanagh as Parmenion
- Gary Stretch as Cleitus
- Rosario Dawson as Roxane
- Fodor Atkine as Roxane's Father
- Toby Kebbell as Pausanius
- Laird Macintosh as Greek Officer
- Francisco Bosch as Bagoas
- Neil Jackson as Perdiccas
- Garrett Lombard as Leonnatus
- Chris Aberdein as Polyperchon
- Rory McCann as Crateros
- Raz Degan as Darius III
- Joseph Morgan as Philotas
The greatest legend of all was real.Alexander Synopsis:Play Streaming Alexander Alexander, the King of Macedonia, leads his legions against the giant Persian Empire. After defeating the Persians he leads his Army across the then known world venturing further than any Westerner had ever gone all the way to India. Download Alexander High Quality
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Alexander full and free online movie. This is truly spectacular and could one of those rare amazing. The quality was great all around. Management, images and visual effects were all very innovative and brilliant. The pleasure of the script, often humorous and has a lot of heart for all his characters are all very well developed.
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Casting : Juliette Mnager, Casting : Rebecca Roper, Casting : Kerry Barden, Casting : Mark Bennett, Casting : Billy Hopkins, Casting : Suzanne Smith, Casting : Lucinda Syson, Art Direction : Lek Chaiyan Chunsuttiwat, Art Direction : Stphane Cressend, Art Direction : Desmond Crowe, Art Direction : James Lewis, Art Direction : Kathleen Lorden, Supervising Art Director : Jonathan McKinstry, Art Direction : Kevin Phipps, Art Direction : Stuart Rose, Costume Supervisor : Rosemary Burrows, Director : Oliver Stone, Original Music Composer : Vangelis, Director of Photography : Rodrigo Prieto, Production Design : Jan Roelfs, Costume Design : Jenny Beavan, Set Decoration : Jim Erickson, Screenplay : Oliver Stone, Screenplay : Christopher Kyle, Screenplay : Laeta Kalogridis, Producer : Moritz Borman, Producer : Jon Kilik, Producer : Thomas Schhly, Producer : Iain Smith, Producer : Oliver Stone, Editor : Yann Herv, Editor : Thomas J. Nordberg, Editor : Gladys Joujou, Editor : Alex Marquez, Producer : Hans De Weers, Producer : Tabrez Noorani, Producer : Santa Pestonji, Line Producer : Pravesh Sahni, Producer : Robert S. Wilson, Executive Producer : Matthias Deyle, Executive Producer : Lonard Glowinski, Executive Producer : Pierre Grunstein, Executive Producer : Aslan Nadery, Executive Producer : Paul Rassam, Executive Producer : Volker Schauz, Executive Producer : Fernando Sulichin,
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