Download Agora Full Streaming
Full Movie Agora HD with duration 127 Min and broadcast on 2009-10-09 with MPAA rating is 38.
- Original Title : Agora
- Movie title in your country : Agora
- Year of movie : 2009
- Genres of movie :
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2009-10-09
- Companies of movie : Mod Producciones, Himenptero, Telecinco Cinema, Canal+ Espaa, Government of Malta, Nimar Studios,
- Countries of movie : Spain,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 127 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.6
- Youtube ID of movie : RbuEhwselE0
- Translation of movie : EN,RU,FR,PT,HU,ES,DE,IT,CS,PL,TR,SV,DA,NL,NB,NO,ZH,KA,EL,SK,
- Cast of movie :
- Rachel Weisz as Hypatia
- Max Minghella as Davus
- Oscar Isaac as Orestes
- Ashraf Barhom as Ammonius
- Michael Lonsdale as Theon
- Rupert Evans as Synesius
- Homayoun Ershadi as Aspasius
- Sami Samir as Cyril
- Richard Durden as Olympius
- Omar Mostafa as Isidorus
- Manuel Cauchi as Theophilus
- Oshri Cohen as Medorus
- Clint Dyer as Hierax
- Yousef Sweid as Pierre
- Amber Rose Revah as Sidonia
- Charles Thake as Hesiquius
- Harry Borg as Prefect Evragius
- Sam Cox as Pagan Rival
- George Harris as Heladius Dignitary
- Sylvester Morand as Dignitary
- Paul Barnes as Dignitary
- Jordan Kiziuk as Hypatia's Disciple
- Francis Ghersci as Hypatia's disciple
- Jonathan Grima as Hypatia's Disciple
- Christopher Dingli as Student
- Stephen Buhagiar as Parabalano
- Joseph Camilleri as Parabolano
- Charles Sammut as Philosopher
- Michael Sciortino as Philosopher
- Joe Quattromani as Old Philosopher
- Alan Meadows as Rabbi
- Peter Borg as Pagan Priest
- Portelli Paul as Troublemaker
- Robert Ricards as Roman Officer
- Alan Paris as Bodyguard
- John Montanaro as Bodyguard
- Malcolm Ellul as Bodyguard
- Ray Mangion as Crier via Canopica
- Mary Rose Bonello as Old Jewish Woman
- Clint Dyer as Parabolano
- Andre Agius as Child
- Frederick Testa as Christian
- Sean Buhagiar as Christian student
- Theresa Celia as Christian Woman
- Frank Tanti as Deacon
- Anthony Ellul as Deacon
- Pierre Stafrace as Deacon
- Christopher Raikes as Frightened Hellenic Man
- Clare Agius as Frightened Hellenic Woman
- Mario Camilleri as Alarmed Neighbour
- Wesley Ellul as Guard
- John Marinelli as Guard
- Simon Cormi as Informer
- Peter Galea as Roman officer
- Nikovich Sammut as Roman Officer
- Ronnie Galea as Ship's Captain
- David Ellul-Mercer as Slave
- Philip Mizzi as Surgeon
- Alan Azzopardi as Suspicious Jew
- Polly March as Woman with figs
- Joe Pace as Stallkeeper
- John Suda as Customer
- Michael Tabone as Rabbi
- Angele Galea as Charition
- Malcolm Galea as Charition's Brother
- Paul Celia as Indian King
- Jean-Pierre Agius as Clown
- Samuel Montague as Crier
- Marieclaire Camilleri as Jewish Girl (uncredited)
- Edward Caruana Galizia as Student (uncredited)
- Guilherme de Franco as Roman Officer (uncredited)
- Juan Serrano as Dead Jew (uncredited)
- Novica Todorovic as Parabalano Fighter (uncredited)
Alexandria, Egypt. 391 A.D. The World Changed Forever.Agora Synopsis:Online Streaming Agora A historical drama set in Roman Egypt, concerning philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria and her relationship with her slave Davus, who is torn between his love for her and the possibility of gaining his freedom by joining the rising tide of Christianity. Download Agora Full Streaming
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Title Post: [Blueray] Agora (2009) Movie Streaming
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