Watch Movie The Lady High Quality
Watch Movie The Lady For Free with duration 135 Min and broadcast on 2011-12-30 with MPAA rating is 12.
- Original Title : The Lady
- Movie title in your country : The Lady
- Year of movie : 2011
- Genres of movie :
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2011-12-30
- Companies of movie : Mars Distribution, Siam Movies, Left Bank Pictures, France2 Cinma, EuropaCorp., Canal+, France Tlvision, Coficup, Backup Films,
- Countries of movie : France, United Kingdom,
- Language of movie : English, ,
- Durationof movie : 135 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.7
- Youtube ID of movie : lUYyX4NLaCY
- Translation of movie : EN,TR,FR,IT,DE,RU,DA,PT,ZH,PL,NL,
- Cast of movie :
- Michelle Yeoh as Aung San Suu Kyi
- David Thewlis as Michael Aris
- Jonathan Raggett as Kim Aris
- Jonathan Woodhouse as Alexander Aris
- Benedict Wong as Karma Phuntsho
- Susan Wooldridge as Lucinda Philips
- Flint Bangkok as Nyo Ohn Myint
- Guy Barwell as Military Policeman
- Sahajak Boonthanakit as Leo Nichols
- Antony Hickling as BBC journalist (voice)
From House Arrest to ParliamentThe Lady Synopsis:Online Streaming The Lady The film is about the life of Aung San Suu Kyi (Yeoh) who spent more than a decade under house arrest. David Thewlis portrays Suu Kyi's husband, Dr. Michael Aris. Rebecca Frayn began working on the project after she and her husband, producer Andy Harries, visited Burma in the early 1990s.Harries' production company Left Bank Pictures began development of the script in 2008 under the working title Freedom from Fear. Harries wanted Michelle Yeoh as the lead and had the script sent to her. Full Movie The Lady Movie Streaming
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Producer : Andy Harries, Line Producer : Didier Hoarau, Line Producer : Jane Robertson , Producer : Virginie Silla, Producer : Jean Todt, Cinematography : Thierry Arbogast , Editor : Julien Rey, Screenplay : Rebecca Frayn, Director : Luc Besson, Producer : Luc Besson,
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