Watch Movie Elizabeth Full Streaming
Full Movie Elizabeth Movie Streaming with duration 124 Min and released on 1998-09-13 and MPAA rating is 29.
- Original Title : Elizabeth
- Movie title in your country : Elizabeth
- Year of movie : 1998
- Genres of movie :
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1998-09-13
- Companies of movie : PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, Working Title Films, Channel Four Films,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : P, English,
- Durationof movie : 124 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.4
- Youtube ID of movie : DyGBwrtIamw
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,IT,RU,TR,PT,HU,FR,FI,ES,PL,DA,ZH,SV,
- Actors of movie :
- Cate Blanchett as Elisabeth I
- Geoffrey Rush as Sir Francis Walsingham
- Christopher Eccleston as Duke of Norfolk
- Joseph Fiennes as Robert Dudley
- Richard Attenborough as Sir William Cecil
- Fanny Ardant as Mary of Guise
- Eric Cantona as Monsieur de Foix
- Vincent Cassel as Duc d'Anjou
- Kathy Burke as Queen Mary
- Edward Hardwicke as Earl of Arundel
- Emily Mortimer as Kat Ashley
- John Gielgud as The Pope
- James Frain as Alvaro de la Quadra
- Kelly Macdonald as Isabel Knollys
- Kenny Doughty as Sir Thomas Elyot
- Daniel Craig as John Ballard
- Alfie Allen as Arundel's Son
Elizabeth Synopsis:Full Streaming Elizabeth This film details the ascension to the throne and the early reign of Queen Elizabeth the First, as played by Cate Blanchett. The main focus is the endless attempts by her council to marry her off, the Catholic hatred of her and her romance with Lord Robert Dudley. Full Movie Elizabeth Streaming In HD
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Director : Shekhar Kapur, Screenplay : Michael Hirst, Producer : Tim Bevan, Producer : Eric Fellner, Producer : Alison Owen, Original Music Composer : David Hirschfelder, Director of Photography : Remi Adefarasin, Editor : Jill Bilcock, Production Design : John Myhre, Casting : Simone Ireland, Casting : Vanessa Pereira, Art Direction : Lucy Richardson, Set Decoration : Peter Howitt, Costume Design : Alexandra Byrne,
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Title Post: [HD 1080p] Elizabeth (1998) Online Streaming
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