Full Movie The Greatest Story Ever Told Streaming In HD
Watch Movie The Greatest Story Ever Told Full Streaming with duration 199 Min and broadcast on 1965-02-15 and MPAA rating is 2.
- Original Title : The Greatest Story Ever Told
- Movie title in your country : The Greatest Story Ever Told
- Year of movie : 1965
- Genres of movie :
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1965-02-15
- Companies of movie : United Artists,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 199 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.3
- Youtube ID of movie : pHSz9QAYZ5U
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,IT,PT,ES,FR,EL,HU,
- Cast of movie :
- Max von Sydow as Jesus
- Michael Anderson, Jr. as James the Younger
- Carroll Baker as Veronica
- Ina Balin as Martha of Bethany
- Victor Buono as Sorak
- Richard Conte as Barabbas
- Joanna Dunham as Mary Magdalene
- Jos Ferrer as Herod Antipas
- Van Heflin as Bar Amand
- Charlton Heston as John the Baptist
- Martin Landau as Caiaphas
- Angela Lansbury as Claudia
- Pat Boone as Angel at the Tomb
- Janet Margolin as Mary of Bethany
- David McCallum as Judas Iskarioth
- Roddy McDowall as Matthew
- Dorothy McGuire as The Virgin Mary
- Sal Mineo as Uriah
- Nehemiah Persoff as Shemiah
- Donald Pleasence as The Dark Hermit - Satan
- Sidney Poitier as Simon of Cyrene
- Claude Rains as King Herod
- Gary Raymond as Simon Peter
- Telly Savalas as Pontius Pilate
- Joseph Schildkraut as Nicodemus
- Paul Stewart as Questor
- John Wayne as Centurion at crucifixion
- Shelley Winters as Woman who is healed
- Ed Wynn as Old Aram
- John Abbott as Aben
- Rodolfo Acosta as Captain of lancers
- Michael Ansara as Herod's commander
- Robert Blake as Simon the Zealot
- Burt Brinckerhoff as Andrew
- Robert Busch as Emissary
- John Considine as John
- Philip Coolidge as Chuza
- John Crawford as Alexander
- Frank Dekova as The tormentor (as Frank de Kova)
- Cyril Delevanti as Melchior
- Jamie Farr as Thaddaeus
- David Hedison as Philip
- Russell Johnson as Scribe
- Mark Lenard as Balthazar
- Robert Loggia as Joseph
- John Lupton as Speaker of Capernaum
- Peter Mann as Nathanael
- Tom Reese as Thomas
- Marian Seldes as Herodias
- David Sheiner as James the Elder
- Frank Silvera as Caspar
- Joseph Sirola as Dumah
- Abraham Sofaer as Joseph of Arimathaea
- Harold J. Stone as Gen. Varus
- Chet Stratton as Theophilus
- Michael Tolan as Lazarus
- Ron Whelan as Annas
- Jay C. Flippen as Drunken Soldier - Herod Antipas' Court (uncredited)
- Celia Lovsky as Woman Behind Railings (uncredited)
The Greatest Story Ever Told Synopsis:Play Streaming The Greatest Story Ever Told George Stevens' epic production. "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?" It is towards this climactic crossroads that the story of Jesus of Nazareth leads, and to which, at the final moment, it again looks back in triumphant retrospect. It is the anguishing crossroads where the eternal questions of faith and doubt become resolved. Star-studded cast includes Max Von Sydow (as Jesus), Dorothy McGuire (as Mary), Robert Loggia (as Joseph), Charlton Heston (as John the Baptist), Michael Anderson, Jr., Robert Blake, Jamie Farr, David McCallum, Roddy McDowall, Ina Balin, Janet Margolin, Sidney Poitier, Carroll Baker, Pat Boone, Van Heflin, Sal Mineo, Shelley Winters, Ed Wynn, John Wayne, Telly Savalas, Angela Lansbury, Paul Stewart, Harold J. Stone, Martin Landau, Joseph Schildkraut, Victor Buono, Jose Ferrer, Claude Rains, Donald Pleasence, Richard Conte and Cyril Delevanti. Download The Greatest Story Ever Told Movie Streaming
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The Greatest Story Ever Told full and free online movie. This is truly spectacular and could one of those rare amazing. The quality was great all around. Management, images and visual effects were all very innovative and brilliant. The pleasure of the script, often humorous and has a lot of heart for all his characters are all very well developed.
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Director : George Stevens, Screenplay : James Lee Barrett, Screenplay : George Stevens, Producer : George Stevens, Original Music Composer : Alfred Newman, Director of Photography : Loyal Griggs, Director of Photography : William C. Mellor, Editor : Harold F. Kress, Editor : Argyle Nelson Jr., Editor : J. Frank O'Neill, Casting : Lynn Stalmaster, Costume Design : Vittorio Nino Novarese, Sound Recordist : Charles E. Wallace, Stunts Coordinator : Henry Wills, Producer : George Stevens Jr., Production Design : William J. Creber, Art Direction : Richard Day, Art Direction : David S. Hall, Novel : Fulton Oursler,
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