Full Movie Heaven's Gate For Free
Full Movie Heaven's Gate Full Movie with duration 219 Min and broadcast on 1980-11-19 and MPAA rating is 4.
- Original Title : Heaven's Gate
- Movie title in your country : Heaven's Gate
- Year of movie : 1980
- Genres of movie :
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1980-11-19
- Companies of movie :
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : Deutsch, English, Franais, Polski, P,
- Durationof movie : 219 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.3
- Youtube ID of movie : Shs6ZboDwSQ
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,CS,IT,FR,ES,ZH,PT,HU,
- Actors of movie :
- Kris Kristofferson as James Averill
- Christopher Walken as Nathan D. Champion
- John Hurt as Billy Irvine
- Isabelle Huppert as Ella Watson
- Sam Waterston as Frank Canton
- Brad Dourif as Mr. Eggleston
- Jeff Bridges as John L. Bridges
- Joseph Cotten as The Reverend Doctor
- Ronnie Hawkins as Major Wolcott
- Paul Koslo as Mayor Charlie Lezak
- Geoffrey Lewis as Trapper Fred
- Richard Masur as Cully
- Mary Catherine Wright as Nell
- Nicholas Woodeson as Small man
- Terry O'Quinn as Capt. Minardi
- Jack Conley as Morrison
- Robin Bartlett as Mrs. Lezak
- Tom Noonan as Jake
- Caroline Kava as Stefka
- Mickey Rourke as Nick Ray
- T-Bone Burnett as
- Willem Dafoe as
The only thing greater than their passion for America... was their passion for each other.Heaven's Gate Synopsis:Online Streaming Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate is Michael Cimino's infamously ambitious epic western based on events in 1890s Wyoming. Sheriff James Averill attempts to protect immigrant farmers from wealthy cattle interests, and also clashes with a hired gun, Nathan Champion, over the woman they both love, Ella Watson. Both men find themselves questioning their roles in the furious conflict between wealthy landowners and European immigrants attempting to build new lives on the American frontier, which culminates in a brutal pitched battle. Download Heaven's Gate Online Streaming
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Director : Michael Cimino, Screenplay : Michael Cimino, Producer : Joann Carelli, Executive Producer : Denis O'Dell, Executive Producer : Charles Okun, Executive Producer : William Reynolds, Director of Photography : Vilmos Zsigmond, Editor : Lisa Fruchtman, Editor : Gerald B. Greenberg, Editor : William Reynolds, Editor : Tom Rolf, Original Music Composer : David Mansfield,
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