Full Movie Alatriste Full Streaming
Full Movie Alatriste Movie Streaming with duration 145 Min and broadcast on 2006-09-01 with MPAA rating is 7.
- Original Title : Alatriste
- Movie title in your country : Alatriste
- Year of movie : 2006
- Genres of movie :
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2006-09-01
- Companies of movie : Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation, NBC Universal Global Networks, Estudios Picasso, Origen Producciones Cinematograficas S.A.,
- Countries of movie : Spain,
- Language of movie : Espaol,
- Durationof movie : 145 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.2
- Youtube ID of movie : SHYEjR6N3OM
- Translation of movie : EN,FR,IT,UK,HU,DE,ES,HE,ZH,NL,RU,DA,TR,EL,
- Actors of movie :
- Viggo Mortensen as Diego Alatriste
- Elena Anaya as Anglica de Alquzar
- Unax Ugalde as igo Balboa
- Eduard Fernndez as Sebastin Copons
- Eduardo Noriega as Conde de Guadalmedina
- Ariadna Gil as Mara de Castro
- Juan Echanove as Francisco de Quevedo
- Javier Cmara as Conde Duque de Olivares
- Antonio Dechent as Curro Garrote
- Blanca Portillo as Fray Emilio Bocanegra
- Francesc Garrido as Martn Saldaa
- Pilar Lpez de Ayala as Mujer de Malatesta
- Jess Castejn as Luis de Alquzar
- Cristina Marcos as Joyera
- Luis Zahera as Pereira
- Carlos Bardem as Alguacil
Alatriste Synopsis:Full Streaming Alatriste In 17th century Spain Diego Alatriste, a brave and heroic soldier, is fighting in his King's army in the Flandes region. His best mate, Balboa, falls in a trap and, near to death, asks Diego to look after his son and teach him to be a soldier. Full Movie Alatriste HD
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Alatriste full and free online movie. This is truly spectacular and could one of those rare amazing. The quality was great all around. Management, images and visual effects were all very innovative and brilliant. The pleasure of the script, often humorous and has a lot of heart for all his characters are all very well developed.
... Full Movie Alatriste High Quality 1080p ...
Director : Agustn Daz Yanes, Novel : Arturo Prez-Reverte, Writer : Agustn Daz Yanes, Characters : Carlota Prez-Reverte, Producer : lvaro Augustn, Producer : Antonio Cardenal, Executive Producer : Beln Atienza, Executive Producer : igo Marco, Original Music Composer : Roque Baos, Director of Photography : Paco Femenia, Editor : Jos Salcedo,
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Title Post: [HD] Alatriste (2006) Full Streaming
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