Watch Movie Rurni Kenshin: Meiji kenkaku roman tan HD
Watch Movie Rurni Kenshin: Meiji kenkaku roman tan High Quality with duration 134 Min and broadcast on 2012-08-25 with MPAA rating is 22.
- Original Title : Rurni Kenshin: Meiji kenkaku roman tan
- Movie title in your country : Rurouni Kenshin
- Year of movie : 2012
- Genres of movie :
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2012-08-25
- Companies of movie : Warner Bros., Studio Swan, RoC Works Co.,
- Countries of movie : Japan,
- Language of movie : ,
- Durationof movie : 134 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.8
- Youtube ID of movie : lc_JmcRxdx8
- Translation of movie : EN,ZH,TR,PT,RU,ES,FR,DE,TH,KO,PL,
- Actors of movie :
- Takeru Sato as Kenshin Himura
- Emi Takei as Kaoru Kamiya
- Kji Kikkawa as Udo Jine
- Y Aoi as Megumi Takani
- Munetaka Aoki as Sanosuke Sagara
- G Ayano as Gein
- Genki Sudo as Banjin Inui
- Taketo Tanaka as Yahiko Myojin
- Eiji Okuda as Aritomo Yamagata
- Ysuke Eguchi as Hajime Saito
- Teruyuki Kagawa as Kanryu Takeda
The Journey BeginsRurni Kenshin: Meiji kenkaku roman tan Synopsis:Watch Streaming Rurni Kenshin: Meiji kenkaku roman tan Former legendary assassin Kenshin Himura has now become a wandering samurai. Offerring aid & protecting those in need as atonement for his past deeds. During this time Kenshin Himura comes across and aides Kaoru Kamiya (Emi Takei). Her father opened the Kamiya Kasshin-ryu, a kendo school located in Tokyo and Kaoru is now an instructor there. Kaoru then invites Kenshin to stay at her dojo. Their relationship develops further, but Kenshin is still haunted by his violent past ... Full Movie Rurni Kenshin: Meiji kenkaku roman tan For Free
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Title Post: [HD] Rurni Kenshin: Meiji kenkaku roman tan (2012) Full Streaming
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